When analyzing a set of molecules, you might want to find the maximum common substructure (MCS) match between them. This utility function SmilesMCStoGridImage does that for a set of molecules specified by SMILES, displays the SMARTS substructure as a molecule, and displays all the molecules in a grid with that substructure highlighted and aligned.

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The key RDKit commands it uses are:

from rdkit.Chem import AllChem as Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS
def SmilesMCStoGridImage(smiles: list[str] or dict[str, str], align_substructure: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs):
     Convert a list (or dictionary) of SMILES strings to an RDKit grid image of the maximum common substructure (MCS) match between them

     :returns: RDKit grid image, and (if verbose=True) MCS SMARTS string and molecule, and list of molecules for input SMILES strings
     :rtype: RDKit grid image, and (if verbose=True) string, molecule, and list of molecules
     :param molecules: The SMARTS molecules to be compared and drawn
     :type molecules: List of (SMARTS) strings, or dictionary of (SMARTS) string: (legend) string pairs
     :param align_substructure: Whether to align the MCS substructures when plotting the molecules; default is True
     :type align_substructure: boolean
     :param verbose: Whether to return verbose output (MCS SMARTS string and molecule, and list of molecules for input SMILES strings); default is False so calling this function will present a grid image automatically
     :type verbose: boolean
     mols = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) for smile in smiles]
     res = rdFMCS.FindMCS(mols, **kwargs)
     mcs_smarts = res.smartsString
     mcs_mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(res.smartsString)
     smarts = res.smartsString
     smart_mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts)
     smarts_and_mols = [smart_mol] + mols

     smarts_legend = "Max. substructure match"

     # If user supplies a dictionary, use the values as legend entries for molecules
     if isinstance(smiles, dict):
          mol_legends = [smiles[molecule] for molecule in smiles]
          mol_legends = ["" for mol in mols]

     legends =  [smarts_legend] + mol_legends
     matches = [""] + [mol.GetSubstructMatch(mcs_mol) for mol in mols]

     subms = [x for x in smarts_and_mols if x.HasSubstructMatch(mcs_mol)]


     if align_substructure:
          for m in subms:
               _ = Chem.GenerateDepictionMatching2DStructure(m, mcs_mol)

     drawing = Draw.MolsToGridImage(smarts_and_mols, highlightAtomLists=matches, legends=legends)

     if verbose:
          return drawing, mcs_smarts, mcs_mol, mols
          return drawing

Minimal Example

All you have to provide to SmilesMCStoGridImage is a list of SMILES strings, and it will return a grid image:

SmilesMCStoGridImage(["NC1OC1", "C1OC1[N+](=O)[O-]"])

Maximum substructure match, and the two molecules

If there is no common substructure, the first cell in the grid will be empty (because there is no SMARTS match), and the molecules will be displayed without any highlighting:

SmilesMCStoGridImage(["O", "c1ccccc1"])

SmilesMCStoGridImage grid with no SMARTS because there is no common core between the molecules supplied, namely water and benzene

Label Molecules

If you want to label the molecules in the grid image, provide a dictionary of molecules where each

  • key is the SMILES string for that molecule
  • value is the legend for that molecule, for example its name or a description
SmilesMCStoGridImage({"NC1OC1": "amine", "C1OC1[N+](=O)[O-]": "nitro"})

Maximum substructure match, and the two molecules which are labeled by their functional groups

Get Additional Data

If you want SmilesMCStoGridImage to return not just the grid image, but also the substructure match and molecule, plus the molecules for the SMILES strings, set verbose=True:

drawing, mcs_smarts, mcs_mol, mols = SmilesMCStoGridImage({"NC1OC1": "amine", "C1OC1[N+](=O)[O-]": "nitro"}, verbose=True)

You then must explicitly call the image to draw it:


Maximum substructure match, and the two molecules which are labeled by their functional groups

mcs_smarts is the SMARTS string for the maximum common substructure (MCS):


mcs_mol is the molecular representation of that MCS:


Molecular representation of SMARTS match (maximum common substructure) between two molecules

mols is the list of RDKit molecules:

[<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f78a0bc0880>,
 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f78b1215ca0>]

You can plot each molecule, with the MCS highlighted, by indexing the molecule in mols:


The first molecule, with the MCS highlighted


The second molecule, with the MCS highlighted

Caveat About Aligning Maximum Common Substructure

The SMARTS substructure match may not match the form of the molecule. For example, if you input two structures containing six-membered carbon rings, the SMARTS substructure match includes a linear chain of six carbons. So if you align the molecules to that substructure, you get some odd-looking “rings”:

SmilesMCStoGridImage({"CCc1ccccc1": "benzene", "C1CCCC=C1CC": "cyclohexene"})

SMARTS match and two molecules, where the rings of the two molecules are oddly depicted as linear chains plus connections between non-adjacent atoms

To address this case, in SmilesMCStoGridImage you can set align_substructure=False (its default value is True), with the disadvantage that the molecules may not be aligned:

SmilesMCStoGridImage({"CCc1ccccc1": "benzene", "C1CCCC=C1CC": "cyclohexene"}, align_substructure=False)

SMARTS match and two molecules, where the rings of the two molecules are nicely depicted as rings, though the MCS is not aligned between the two molecules

Pass Arguments to FindMCS

SmilesMCStoGridImage will pass any keyword arguments of rdFMCS.FindMCS to that function. For example, by default, rdFMCS.FindMCS will match a pattern of atoms even if they are in a complete ring in one molecule, and not in another:

SmilesMCStoGridImage({"C1CCCCCC1CCC": "complete ring", "C1CCC1CCC": "incomplete ring"}, align_substructure=False)

SMARTS match and two molecules, where the MCS includes seven carbons, even though those seven are all in a ring in one molecule, and not in the other molecule

rdFMCS.FindMCS lets you set the flag completeRingsOnly=True to avoid matching these two molecules. You can call SmilesMCStoGridImage with completeRingsOnly=True to pass that flag to rdFMCS.FindMCS so that the two molecules won’t produce a match:

SmilesMCStoGridImage({"C1CCCCCC1": "complete ring", "C1CCC1CCC": "incomplete ring"}, align_substructure=False, completeRingsOnly=True)

No SMARTS match and two molecules, because only complete rings are used for matches, and the rings are of different sizes

Example With Larger Molecules

As a final example, here’s a case with larger molecules:

SmilesMCStoGridImage({"O=C(NCc1cc(OC)c(O)cc1)CCCC/C=C/C(C)C": "unsaturated", "CC(C)CCCCCC(=O)NCC1=CC(=C(C=C1)O)OC": "saturated", "c1(C=O)cc(OC)c(O)cc1": "carbonyl"})

SmilesMCStoGridImage image output with larger molecules