In cheminformatics, the typical way of representing a molecule is with a SMILES string such as CCO for ethanol. A SMILES string can be converted into a molecular graph, which can be used to determine molecular structure and related properties. However, there are still cases where the molecular formula such as C2H6O is useful.

For example, the molecular formula is sufficient to determine the molecular mass, to calculate the predicted results from an elemental analysis, to get a sense for the elemental composition of a given molecule, or for balancing chemical equations. One of the best-known chemical equations describes photosynthesis:

Photosynthesis chemical equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

I’m working on a blog post where I need to calculate the molecular formula including isotopes. I was unable to find a package that produced molecular formulas including isotopes from SMILES strings, so I wrote a function to do so. (I tried chemparse and did not succeed.)

Open this notebook in Google Colab so you can run it without installing anything on your computer

%!pip install rdkit
%!pip install black[jupyter]
from collections import defaultdict
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

from rdkit import Chem

Setting up the molecule

Because RDKit excludes hydrogen atoms by default, but we want to include hydrogens in our molecular formula, we tell RDKit to add hydrogens.

# Ethanol with isotopes
sml = "[13CH3]C[18OH]"
mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(sml))

Ethanol molecule where the oxygen is the O-18 isotope and the carbon not bonded to the oxygen in is C-13 isotope

Composition function

The RDKit does not include a composition function to give the number of each element (including isotopes if desired) in a molecule, so we make one here. It’s based on an algorithm suggested by @IchiruTake.

def composition(
    molecule: Chem.Mol,
    isotopes: bool = False,
) -> defaultdict:
    """Get the composition of an RDKit molecule:
    Atomic counts, including hydrogen atoms, and isotopes if requested.
    For example, ethanol (SMILES [13C](H)(H)(H)CO, formula C2H6O) returns:
      if isotopes = False (default): {'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'H': 6}.
      if isotopes = True: {'C': {13: 1, 0: 1}, 'O': {0: 1}, 'H': {0: 6}}.

    :param molecule: The RDKit molecule to analyze
    :param isotopes: Whether to include the isotope of each atom
    :returns: if isotopes = False (default): a dictionary of element:count entries;
              if isotopes = True: a nested dictionary of element:isotope:count entries.
    # Check that there is a valid molecule
    if not molecule:

    # Add hydrogen atoms--RDKit excludes them by default
    molecule = Chem.AddHs(molecule)
    comp = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

    # Get atom counts
    for atom in molecule.GetAtoms():
        element_symbol = atom.GetSymbol()
        # If isotopes not requested, simply count the number of atoms of each element
        if not isotopes:
            comp[element_symbol] += 1
        # If isotopes requested, count the number of each isotope of each element
            isotope = atom.GetIsotope()
                comp[element_symbol][isotope] += 1
                comp[element_symbol] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
                comp[element_symbol][isotope] += 1
    return comp

With isotopes=False, we get the count of each element:

composition(mol, isotopes=False)
defaultdict(<function __main__.composition.<locals>.<lambda>()>,
            {'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'H': 6})

With isotopes=True, the first layer (dictionary) is chemical elements, and the second layer (nested dictionary) is the isotope and the count:

composition(mol, isotopes=True)
defaultdict(<function __main__.composition.<locals>.<lambda>()>,
            {'C': defaultdict(<function __main__.composition.<locals>.<lambda>()>,
                         {13: 1, 0: 1}),
             'O': defaultdict(<function __main__.composition.<locals>.<lambda>()>,
                         {18: 1}),
             'H': defaultdict(<function __main__.composition.<locals>.<lambda>()>,
                         {0: 6})})

Molecular formula generation

Now that we have the count of each element (with isotopes if desired) in the molecule, we can build the molecular formula. We need a formatting language to render superscripts for isotopes, and subscripts for counts. Our mol_to_formatted_formula() provides a dictionary with two formatting options:

  • Markdown, which is commonly converted to HTML. Here the only formatting is HTML tags (for superscripts and subscripts), so the output is valid HTML as well.
  • LaTeX, which is commonly used for technical papers.

A couple notes about LaTeX formatting:

  • LaTeX overlaps a subscript and a superscript that immediately followed it, so in the code below we add a small amount of horizontal space using an empty group {}.
  • The C-style string substitution using % throughout this post is necessary instead of f-string {variable} or {}.format(variable) because
    • the braces in those last two interfere with the LaTeX formatting, or
    • produce incorrect results when Markdown is converted to HTML when this post is put online.
def mol_to_formatted_formula(
    mol: Chem.Mol,
    isotopes: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, str]:
    """Convert an RDKit molecule to a formatted formula, in Markdown and LaTeX

    :param mol: RDKit molecule
    :param isotopes: Whether to consider isotopes
    :returns: a dictionary of format:string pairs, e.g. {"markdown":"markdown_string", "latex":"latex_string"}
    if mol is None:
        return "Invalid molecule"
    comp = composition(mol, isotopes)

    formula = {"markdown": "", "latex": ""}

    if isotopes:
        isotopes_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str))
        subscripts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
        superscripts = defaultdict(list)

        for element, counts in comp.items():
            for isotope, count in counts.items():
                if count > 1:
                    subscripts[element][isotope] = count
                if isotope != 0:

                isotopes_dict[element][isotope] = 1
            # Sort the element's isotopes from lowest to highest

        last_item_is_subscript = False
        sorted_element_keys = sorted(isotopes_dict.keys())
        for element in sorted_element_keys:
            isotope_count_pairs = isotopes_dict[element]
            # Sort the element's isotopes from lowest to highest
            sorted_isotope_keys = sorted(isotope_count_pairs.keys())
            for isotope in sorted_isotope_keys:
                if element in superscripts:
                    if isotope in superscripts[element]:
                        formula["markdown"] += f"<sup>{isotope}</sup>"

                        # If superscript immediately follows subscript,
                        # add a small amount of horizontal space using an empty group {}
                        # to prevent them from vertically overlapping
                        if last_item_is_subscript:
                            formula["latex"] += "{}"
                        formula["latex"] += "^{ %d}" % isotope
                        last_item_is_subscript = False
                formula["markdown"] += element
                formula["latex"] += element
                last_item_is_subscript = False
                if element in subscripts:
                    if isotope in subscripts[element]:
                        isotope_count = subscripts[element][isotope]
                        formula["markdown"] += f"<sub>{isotope_count}</sub>"
                        formula["latex"] += "_{ %d}" % isotope_count
                    last_item_is_subscript = True
        # Add beginning and ending dollar signs to LaTeX formula
        formula["latex"] = "$" + formula["latex"] + "$"
        # Handling the case when isotopes is False
        sorted_element_keys = sorted(comp.keys())

        for element in sorted_element_keys:
            count = comp[element]
            formula["markdown"] += element
            formula["latex"] += element
            if count > 1:
                formula["markdown"] += f"<sub>{count}</sub>"
                formula["latex"] += "_{ %d}" % count
        formula["latex"] = "$" + formula["latex"] + "$"

    return formula

Here’s the Markdown for our isotopic ethanol molecule:

isotope_formula_markdown = mol_to_formatted_formula(mol, isotopes=True)["markdown"]

and we display it as Markdown using Markdown():



Here’s the LaTeX version:

isotope_formula_latex = mol_to_formatted_formula(mol, isotopes=True)["latex"]
'$C^{ 13}CH_{ 6}{}^{ 18}O$'

which can also be displayed using Markdown():


$C^{ 13}CH_{ 6}{}^{ 18}O$

As far as the order of elements in a chemical formula, mol_to_formatted_formula() simply alphabetizes them. So the elements some formulas may not appear in the typical order. Within an element, mol_to_formatted_formula() gives the isotopes in increasing order, with the unspecified isotope first.

To go directly from a SMILES string to a formula, we can use this utility function smiles_to_formatted_formula():

def smiles_to_formatted_formula(smiles: str, isotopes: bool = False) -> dict[str,str]:
    """Convert a SMILES string to a formatted formula, in Markdown and LaTeX

    :param smiles: SMILES string
    :param isotopes: Whether to consider isotopes
    :returns: a dictionary of format:string pairs, e.g. {"markdown":"markdown_string", "latex":"latex_string"}
    mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
    if mol is not None:
        return mol_to_formatted_formula(mol, isotopes=isotopes)
isotope_formula_latex_from_smiles = smiles_to_formatted_formula(sml, isotopes=True)[

$C^{ 13}CH_{ 6}{}^{ 18}O$

Improved formatting using LaTeX

LaTeX italicizes letters by default, so we can use LaTeX \mathrm to make them non-italicized.

def markdown_formula(latex: str) -> str:
    """Make a LaTeX molecular formula non-italicized by removing math formatting
    :param latex: the molecular formula
    :returns: the non-italicized molecular formula
    latex_markdown = r"$\mathrm{ %s}$" % (latex.strip("$"))
    return latex_markdown

Here’s the non-italicized result:


$\mathrm{ C^{ 13}CH_{ 6}{}^{ 18}O}$

As a further utility, we can immediately display the result as Markdown by incorporating that function:

def display_markdown_formula(latex: str) -> str:
    """Display a LaTeX molecular formula, non-italicized
    :param latex: the molecular formula
    :returns: Markdown display of the non-italicized molecular formula
    latex_markdown = r"$\mathrm{ %s}$" % (latex.strip("$"))
    return Markdown(latex_markdown)

$\mathrm{ C^{ 13}CH_{ 6}{}^{ 18}O}$


Now that we have a way to calculate molecular formulas, and two formats to display them in, the next blog post will give applications of each format.


I later learned from Wim that there is an RDKit function to create a non-formatted molecular formula, CalcMolFormula. One could probably parse its output to produce formatted formulas, though I find that parsing strings is finnicky, and it would probably be about the same amount of effort as the approach above.

from rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors import CalcMolFormula
print(CalcMolFormula(mol, separateIsotopes=True))


Here’s how to use LaTeX to create the photosynthesis chemical equation shown at the top of the blog post.

photosynthesis_smls = {
    "Water": "O",
    "Oxygen": "O=O",
    "Carbon Dioxide": "O=C=O",
    "Glucose": "OC[C@H]1OC(O)[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O",
mols = {name: Chem.MolFromSmiles(sml) for name, sml in photosynthesis_smls.items()}
formulas = {
    name: markdown_formula(mol_to_formatted_formula(mol)["latex"])
    for name, mol in mols.items()
photosynthesis = (
    + "6"
    + formulas["Carbon Dioxide"].strip("$")
    + "+ 6"
    + formulas["Water"].strip("$")
    + "→"
    + formulas["Glucose"].strip("$")
    + "+ 6"
    + formulas["Oxygen"].strip("$")
    + "$"

$6\mathrm{ CO_{ 2}}+ 6\mathrm{ H_{ 2}O}→\mathrm{ C_{ 6}H_{ 12}O_{ 6}}+ 6\mathrm{ O_{ 2}}$